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Prof. Maciej PIETRZYK, Ph.D.

Prof. Maciej PIETRZYK, Ph.D.

AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU

Professional qualifications:
1970    M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, AGH (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU)
1975    Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engimeering, AGH
1983    Dr. hab. (Approximately equal to Associate Professor), AGH
1992    Professor


Teaching experience:
1970-75 classroom lectures and laboratory trainings in the field of electrical engineering and mechanical metallurgy with the students of the Faculty of Metallurgy. Since 1975, lectures on the following courses: automatic control of forming processes, finite element method, numerical methods in forming processes, modelling of thermomechanical processing.


The main research areas:

Numerical modelling of forming processes, modelling of microstructure evolution during thermomechanical processing of materials, testing of materials.
Development of new constitutive models, application of inverse technique to identification of parameters in rheological models and boundary conditions.
Multiscale modelling of materials, development of discrete material models describing phenomena occurring in nano and micro scales.
Application of optimization techniques in materials science. Optimization based on metamodelling.
Modelling of life cycle of materials, optimization of the manufacturing chains.
Digital representation of materials, development of the software, which will be a virtual representation of materials, composing its properties and features.


Realization of over 100 projects for Polish and foreign industry, projects sponsored by the Polish Scientific Research Committee (KBN), 5FP (2 projects) 6FP (1 project) Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Fund, RFCS, NATO and British Council.


Membership in the Scientific Organizations:
ESAFORM - European Scientific Association for Material Forming (Board of Directors 1997-2004, Chairman of the Scientific Committee 2005-2008)
AIST – Association of Iron and Steel Technology
International Association for Computational Mechanics
CIRP International Institution for Production Engineering Research, Fellow Member
ECCOMAS – European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Member
Committee of Metallurgy, Polish Academy of Sciences (Vice - President)


Membership in the Editorial Boards of Journals:
Computer Methods in Materials Science - Chief Editor
Archives of Metallurgy - Editor of Section of Metal Forming Processes
Steel Research International – Member of the Editorial Board
International Journal of Materials Forming - Advisory Editor
Journal of Multiscale Modelling - Member of the Editorial Board
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Member of the Editorial Board
Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering – Member of the Editorial Board
Journal of Machine Engineering - Member of the Editorial Board
Metallurgical Transactions B – Key Reader
Mechanik (in Polish) – Editor of Section of Metal Forming Processes
Obróbka Plastyczna (in Polish) – Member of the Editorial Board
Supervisor of the 15 Ph.D. theses.


Published books:

  • Pietrzyk M., Lenard J.G., Thermal-Mechanical Modelling of the Flat Rolling Process, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
  • Pietrzyk M., Metody numeryczne w przeróbce plastyczne metali, AGH 1303, Kraków, 1992 (in Polish).
  • Lenard J.G., Pietrzyk M., Cser L., Mathematical and Physical Simulation of the Properties of Hot Rolled Products, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1999.


Author of over 300 journal publications and over 300 conference proceedings publications. Selected 5 most important recent journal publications (last 3 years)

  1. Madej Ł., Hodgson P.D., Pietrzyk M., Development of the multi-scale analysis model to simulate strain localization occurring during material processing, Arch. Comput. Methods Eng.16, 2009,  287–318.
  2. Pietrzyk M., Madej Ł., Kuziak R., Optimal design of manufacturing chain based on forging for copper alloys, with product properties being the objective function, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 59, 2010, 319–322.
  3. Pernach M., Środa M., Pietrzyk M., Finie-element simulation of temperature-dependent three-point bending process of glass, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 101, 2010, 651-656.
  4. Walczyk W., Milenin A., Pietrzyk M., Computer aided design of new forging technology for crank shafts, steel research international, 82, 2011, 187-194.
  5. Madej Ł, Muszka K., Perzyński K., Majta J., Pietrzyk M., Computer aided development of the levelling technology for flat products, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 60,2011, 291–294.



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Messer Technogas s.r.o.

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The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, EU
Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava
ŠKODA AUTO University
Czech Metallurgical Society
Engineering Academy of the Czech Republi
Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials
Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
Materials Research Society of Serbia
Norsk Materialteknisk Selskap, Oslo
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais
Societe Francaise de Metallurgie et de Materiaux
The Federation of European Materials Societies