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Past Events

27th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials METAL 2018 was held on May 23rd - 25th 2018 traditionally in Brno. From 515 registered participants, 460 persons from 28 countries attended the conference (216 participants from the Czech Republic, 124 from Poland, 30 from Russian Federation, 18 from Turkey, 16 from Slovakia, 11 from Austria, 5 from Germany, 5 from Kazakhstan and others for example from Sweden, Romania, Slovenia but also Japan and Republic of Korea). The participants presented 147 lectures and 280 posters. The conference was divided into six sessions and poster session due to the topics:

Number of papers:

Plenary session 2 papers  
Commercial presentation 2 papers  
Session A 13 papers 22 posters
Session B 23 papers 38 posters
Session C 25 papers 56 posters
Session D 26 papers 52 posters
Session E 36 papers 79 posters
Session F 20 papers 33 posters

The opening plenary lecture entitled "Advances in the Field of High Temperature Alloys for Thermal Power Plants” was performed by Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Christof Sommitsch from the Graz University of Technology (Austria). Another plenary speaker Dr. Jan Bohacek from  Montanuniversität Leoben (collaborator of author of the lecture Univ. Prof. Habil. Dr. Rer.Nat. Andreas Ludwig) presents the lecture "Simulation in Metallurgy: Past Achievements and Future Challenges".

Presentation of companies:
Thermo-Calc Software AB - sponsor (exhibitor)
TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING, a.s. - sponsor (exhibitor)
Zwick Roell CZ s.r.o. - sponsor (exhibitor)
Linde Gas a.s. (exhibitor)
TSI System s.r.o. (exhibitor)
Carl Zeiss spol. s r.o. (exhibitor)
Regionální materiálově technologické výzkumné centrum
ŽĎAS, a.s.
Česká společnost pro nové materiály a technologie

On Thursday afternoon took place the accompanying program, which included the Cruise ship on the Brno dam, the visit of the Brno Planetarium, VIDA! Science centre or Excursion to Starobrno Brewery. The participants were greatly appreciated of this.

The first day was held in Voronez I Restaurant Social evening with wine tasting of South Moravia with accompanied by Swing kvartet. 

In the poster session almost 300 posters took part in a contest for the best poster. 3 prizes and five honorable mentions were announced based on the evaluation of chairmen of sessions. Winners were awarded the diplomas and practical gifts. 

Winners of Poster session:
1st price - DITTRICH Jan - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, EU
2nd price - PUCHLERSKA Sandra - AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU
3rd price - NIKITIN Ivan - Belgorod National Research University, Russian Federation

Honorable mentions:
ŘEHÁČKOVÁ Lenka -  VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU
DUCKI Kazimierz - Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland, EU
GONDEK Ján - Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovakia, EU
LABER Konrad - Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland, EU
WNĘK Mariusz - Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland, EU

Main Sponsor

Messer Technogas s.r.o.

Sponsor / exhibitor





The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, EU
Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava
ŠKODA AUTO University
Czech Metallurgical Society
Engineering Academy of the Czech Republi
Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials
Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
Materials Research Society of Serbia
Norsk Materialteknisk Selskap, Oslo
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais
Societe Francaise de Metallurgie et de Materiaux
The Federation of European Materials Societies