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Prof. Ing. Pavel LEJČEK, DrSc.
H-Index: 31

Prof. Ing. Pavel LEJČEK, DrSc.

Institute of Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic, EU

Position: Head of Group "Materials with Controlled Microstructure - MCM" at the Institute of Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic, EU

Professional Background:
Prof. Pavel Lejček has received his M.S. degree (1973) in Physical chemistry at the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (CZE) and PhD. (1983) in Physical metallurgy from the Institute of Physical Metallurgy of the CAS, Brno (CZE). In 1996 he has received a DSc degree from the Czech Academy of Sciences (Brno, CZE) in the field of Technical Sciences. He became an Assoc. Prof. in the field of Materials Chemistry and a professor of Metallurgy in 2005 (both at Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic).

His professional career started at the Institute of Solid State Physics, CSAS, Prague, (now Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences) in 1973, where he was a researcher (from 1982) and from 1987 he led the Laboratory of Crystal Growth, department of Metal Physics. In the period 2000 - 2016, he was a head of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics. From 2016 to the present he is a visiting Professor at Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan.

Activity in the last five years:

  • Grain boundary segregation:
    • Development of a method for complete prediction of the chemical composition of individual grain boundaries at various temperatures in binary alloys of chosen composition. This method was proven for alpha iron base alloys.
    • Prediction of the possibility of entropy-driven grain boundary segregation (in case the energy/enthalpy of segregation is positive).
  • Severe plastic deformation: Proposal of a new method of producing tubes from a rod in a one-step way consisting of several SPD processes.
  • Powder metallurgy: interpretation of processes running in iron during selective laser melting (SLM) and explaining hierarchical microstructure of this material as well as mutual relationships appearing in the SLMed iron.

Stays Abroad
Prof. Lejček was a visiting scientist at ESME, St. Etienne, France in 2001 and 2002; at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 2000 and 2005; at Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA in 1997 and 1999; at NRI, Tsukuba, Japan in 1997. He was the Max-Planck-Society visiting scientist at MPI for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany in 1992 and from 1994 to 1999. He was also at Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship) in 1989 and 1991).

Membership in Research Societies and Councils

  • Czech Chemical Society, Czech Association of Crystal Growth
  • Member of Editorial Boards of the journals Surface and Interface Analysis (till 2016), Advances in Materials Science (till 2019) and Metals (since 2020)
  • Member of the Council of the Institute of Physics, AS CR (till 2022)
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • Member of the Branch Councils Physical and Material Engineering of the Engineering Faculty of the Czech Technical University, Prague, CR, for the fields Physical Metallurgy and Chemical Metallurgy and Chemistry and Technology of Materials of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, CR, for the field Metallurgy
  • Member of the permanent commission for defence of D.Sc.-Theses in the field Materials Science and Engineering (Czech Republic)
  • Member of the permanent commission for defence of Dr.Sc.-Theses in the field Materials Science and Engineering (Slovakia)
  • Member of the International Advisory Board of the conferences ECASIA, ISPMA, MSMF

Prof. Lejček was awarded the Ernest Mach Medal of Merit of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2020, the Memorial Medal of the Fac. Metallurgy, TUKE, Košice, Slovakia in 2002. He received the Research Award of JSPS, Japan in 2000, the Japanese Government Research Award for Foreign Specialists in 1997, the Research Award of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation in 1988 and the Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1988.

Publication activity

  • Author of nearly 200 papers identified by Web of Science including a monograph,
  • P. Lejček: Grain Boundary Segregation in Metals, Springer 2010 (translated in Chinese, Tsinghua Univ. Press, 2020),
  • chapter in Physical Metallurgy (4th ed., eds. R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, North-Holland, 1996),
  • review and original papers in top scientific journals (e.g. Prog. Mater. Sci. (IF 39.58),
  • Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci., Acta Mater., etc.,
  • h-index 28.


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The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, EU
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ŠKODA AUTO Vysoká škola
Česká hutnická společnost
Inženýrská akademie České republiky
Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials
Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
Materials Research Society of Serbia
Norsk Materialteknisk Selskap, Oslo
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais
Societe Francaise de Metallurgie et de Materiaux
The Federation of European Materials Societies